.NET is a software framework and runtime developed by Microsoft. You can use Zero Install to:


.NET (known as .NET Core up until version 3.1) is a light-weight cross-platform runtime environment. To add dotnet (.NET SDK) to your PATH:

To add nuget (.NET Package Manager) to your PATH:

To use .NET as the runner in a feed:
To use .NET with the ASP.NET Core Runtime as the runner in a feed:
To use .NET with the Windows Desktop Runtime as a dependency in a feed:

.NET Framework and Mono

.NET Framework is a Windows-only implementation of .NET. Mono is a cross-platform port of .NET Framework.

To use a Common Lanaguage Runtime (.NET Framework or Mono) as the runner in a feed:
If you wish to use the MONO_PATH variable to specify external dependencies in a feed you can use monopath-emulator:
To use the full version of .NET Framework as the runner in a feed:
To use either the Client Profile or the full version of .NET Framework as the runner in a feed:
To use Mono as the runner in a feed: